Healing Meals Delivered Fresh To Your Home
Dive into the Magical world that is our kitchen and your meals…..
Our organic menu is seasonal and changes every week to bring you only the freshest dishes and ingredients
This is where the magic of “Food as Medicine” begins…
All our fresh ingredients, beans and lentils are washed, soaked and cooked in triple filtered water to remove heavy metals and chemicals, that is then passed through the Kangen water system to maximise freshness and flavour
Your meals are cooked from scratch; they are gluten free, free from ALL preservatives, additives, sweeteners, artificial flavourings and refined salts. We make our own soup stocks, no bouillons therefore no yeast here! Only the finest ingredients!
Our secret ingredient? Mindful Awareness … our unique training allows us to bring to the kitchen a serene and joyful energy that infuses all our meals. We always enter the kitchen with a happy heart, a bouncy step and a calm mind; essential ingredients for high vibrational foods that will infuse you with energy and a sense of wellbeing.
Sign up for delicious plant based meals and soups delivered to your door each week
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