Healing Meals Delivered Fresh To Your Home
is to serve you the freshest, healthiest, gluten free, organic plant-based food, that tastes and feels the way nature intended; vibrant, nutritious, delicious and full of life. Our ethos is to put together a meal that not only tastes divine but also supports your body by delivering the required vitamins and minerals to the relevant organs, your nervous and immune systems. In supporting the body, the mind and emotions naturally fall into balance, creating a harmonious and joyous state of being.
Our Menu Is Seasonal and changes every week to bring you only the freshest dishes and ingredients
Our Menu Is Seasonal and changes every week to bring you only the freshest dishes and ingredients
It all begins with an ingredient, a scent, a colour or a flavour….
“You are what you eat” is something we adhere to closely, what begins on your plate becomes an integral part of your body and mind.
We always enter the kitchen with a happy heart, a bouncy step and a calm mind; essential ingredients for high vibrational foods.
Our chefs personally select the juiciest, aromatic, flavoursome, organic seasonal vegetables at farmers markets and reputable certified organic wholesalers.
Inspiration comes from holding, smelling and tasting.
Our Menu Is Seasonal and changes every week to bring you only the freshest dishes and ingredients
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